Monday, 4 November 2013

NaNoWriMo - Day 4

I seem to recall I promised I would periodically post during November concerning my NaNoWriMo adventure. I suppose I'd better stick to that promise or you might not come back in the future.

Like so many Hobbits, Wizards, Dwarves and Elves, my fellow NaNoers and I set out, November 1st, on our quest, each seeking their own 50,000 word prize. It was all going so well.

On day one I was riding high. I hit 590 words in my first 30 minutes. I ended my first session on 1,205 with plenty more hours in the day. I made 2,269 in my next session, and rounded off the day with a total of 3,866 words. In one day. All written by hand. I had almost 5 chapters under my belt, I'd introduced four major characters, killed three of them, and killed off a further two minor characters. 

Day two arrived, looking all bright and promising. Despite my husband's best efforts to distract me with his birthday shenanigans, I added a further 1,602 words in my first session and ended the day on 6,731 words. 

On day three, I had a shift at work to contend with and other stuff started to creep into my peripheral vision. Our house has been on the market for a good while and on Sunday we received an offer. A serious one. And the family would like to move before Christmas, please and thank you. And we're on holiday at the end of November. And I've got a job application to do and... ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH! Even with all that, I managed a healthy 2,027 words. I was quite pleased with myself.

Day four, however.... I'd quite like to forget about day four. In fact, as far as NaNoWriMo goes, day four was a total bust. 16 hours in work, plus sleeping and eating time, as well as the aforementioned job thing, really hasn't helped and apart from my diary entry, I haven't written a single word. ::sighs::

However, I'm ahead of the standard NaNoWriMo target, and only slightly in deficit on my target for a pre-holiday finish, so I am feeling reasonably positive. (We won't mention the frontloading target I set myself.) 

On day five, I'm aiming for 12k. If I can get near to 14k I'll be really chuffed. It's only an extra 5,000 words so it isn't impossible, but it would beat my highest writing day so far by an extra 1,200 words. Roll on day five... Long live day five!

NaNoWriMo Stats - Day 4
Normal NaNoWriMo Target: 6,668
Target for finishing early: 9,524
Frontloading target: 17,620
Current words: 8,758 (+2,090, -766, -8,862)

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